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时间:2022-07-28 18:21 阅读数:4039人阅读

Early events mark Lantern Festival-英语点津It's just a couple of days before the Chinese Lantern Festival.It falls on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year (Source:cctv.com 英语点津姗姗编辑)The Lantern Festival“元宵节”佳话The Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is a traditional Chinese festival,which is on the 15th of the first month of(来源:爱词霸沙龙英语点津姗姗编辑)。

╯▽╰ Lanterns,rice balls made for Lantern Festival[1]A man walks in front of a giant red lantern set up to celebrate lantern festival at the city centre of Xining,Qinghai province February 5,2009.Lantern Festival:lanterns,riddles,food&romance-China.org.cnthis day is known as"Yuanxiaojie",or the Lantern Festival.But what specific legends and customs set this particular festival out from the rest?。

Chinese celebrate traditional Lantern Festival-China.org.cnA festive vibe is building around China as the Lantern Festival falls on Thursday.Attending lantern shows,solving riddles,and making lanterns,people 元宵节:英文灯谜猜猜看-Chinadaily.com.cn问:所有人同时在做的事情是什么?答:长大Riddles:What month do soldiers hate?Answer:March 问:士兵们最恨几月份?答:三月(注:march也有行军的意思)A 。

Green Lantern《绿灯侠》精讲之一[2]哈尔是个天赋异禀却有些自命不凡的试飞员。在一次试飞任务中,他擅自打破规则,冲破了飞行高度上限,虽然因此战胜了对手,但却牺牲了一架全新的飞机。元宵节:赏灯约会,这才是真正的情人节People take photos in front of a lantern,which symbolizes fortune and treasure,to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Macao (中国日报网英语点津Helen)。

+﹏+ 汤圆英文名是“tangyuan”为啥灯笼的英文名不是“denglong”想必大家都知道,元宵节重要的传统习俗之一是挂灯笼、赏花灯,所以元宵节也被称为“灯节”,这就是它英文名的由来汤圆在中国和“团圆”这个词的发音相似,代表着Beijingers celebrate the Lantern Festival-China.org.cnPeople admire the festive lantern decorations in Sanlitun,Chaoyang District,on Feb.23.People in Beijing took part in various activities to celebrate 。

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